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Export as Tab Delimited File


This function lets you export data from Lotto Sorcerer into a tab delimited file, where all fields are separated by the tab character (ASCII 9). These files typically have a file extension of '.txt' or '.tab'. This is useful for backing up data, importing the data into an SQL database, as well as sharing data with another user of Lotto Sorcerer. The file you export can be easily imported back into the program.

Please note that unregistered versions of Lotto Sorcerer are limited to 50 records for exporting.

How to Invoke

Use the menu item "Lottery Data > Export Lottery Data > Export as Tab Delimited File".

Basic Procedure

Window Controls

"Select Lottery" dropdown

Choose the lottery you want to export.

"Date Format" dropdown

Choose the exact date format you want to use.

"Four Digit Years" checkbox

If checked, the data will be exported as four-digit years (for example, '2005'); if unchecked only the last two digits are exported (for example, '2005' will be exported as '05'). Note that if you choose "[nothing]" as the character between Date Elements, this checkbox will be checked automatically.

Two Digit Years Month, Day

If checked, the data will be exported as two-digit months and days (for example, '01/09/2013'); if unchecked, these values will have only one digit (for example, '1/9/2013'). Note that if you choose "[nothing]" as the character between Date Elements, this checkbox will be checked automatically.

"Character Between Date Elements" dropdown

Choose the character that separates the year, month and day parts in the date field.

Two Digit Numbers

If checked, single digit numbers will be zero padded. For example, '1-2-5-16-19' will be exported as '01-02-05-16-19'.

"End-of-Line Terminator" dropdown

Different operating systems use different characters to mark the end of line. Choose the appropriate one.